WRITING PROMPT FOR YOU: Write about one of your best friends and link up in the comments.
Or just leave a comment telling us a bit about your bestie.
Abby: Does it make me sound incredibly self-absorbed when I tell you that
I wonder what you would write about me?
Little does Abby know, but she is completely incapable of ever sounding self-absorbed, or selfish–ever.
Me: What do you mean?
Abby: I was reading the post you wrote about Brooke last night,
and you just captured her so perfectly. I found myself wondering what you would say about me.
She blushes and I can see a part of her wishing she could take back what she just said.
Because Abby’s humble.
Which can’t be an easy quality to master for someone as talented, thoughtful and beautiful as her.
Abby is my across the greenbelt neighbor.
My need-to-borrow-a-cup-of-milk go-to gal.
My “I grabbed you a diet coke while I was out” friend.
But she is also my confidant.
My support.
My breath of fresh air.
My shoulder to lean on.
And here’s the thing about Abby: she is this very same person for a zillion people.
She’s THAT girl.
The girl who walks into your life and leaves footprints on your heart.
The girl who makes you want to be a better version of yourself.
The girl who makes you feel important.
And talented, and loved and cherished.
The one who listens.
I mean really listens.
With concerned eyes, an open heart, and often a silent tongue.
Because she get’s it.
She get’s that sometimes the most important part of being a best friend, is the listening part.
Friends like to be heard. She hears me.
And every day her example reminds me to close my mouth and be a better listener (work in progress).
She’s the one who would drop everything to help out a friend.
And then she would make sure you NEVER knew that she canceled her plans to do said friend a favor.
Because Abby’s not about getting credit, or one-upping, or making you feel guilty for the help she gave you.
Abby mixes fun patterns, is the Queen of the tousled braid, sports vintage shoes, wears boyfriend jeans and maxi dresses, and somehow makes a backwards sweater look hip. Her style is effortless and beautiful in a way I can only describe as breathtaking–as in she literally takes my breath away.
The other night, I was at a Favorite Things Party with all my best friends.
At one point, I leaned over to Gillian and I whispered: Just look at Abby. Stunning, am I right?
Gillian: You literally read my mind. It makes me sick. (and if you know Gillian, then you know that is the highest of compliments).
She is the friend who calls presents “prizes”,
who whips up a batch of comfort chicken noodle soup and caramel popcorn when I’m having a tough day,
who pretends she’s not crafty so that I can have something to teach her,
who surprises me with a yellow chevron blanket because she knows my style.
She’s the friend who you start chatting with at 8:00,
and before you know it its midnight and your husband is calling wondering where you are.
And while I realize that this post sounds pretty sappy and happy,
the truth is, it’s a difficult one for me to write.
Because Abby is moving away.
She is leaving on an exciting adventure with her family, and while I’m happy for her, I can’t help but feel selfish.
Because while I know we’ll be friends forever, I can’t help but feel like I’m losing a sister.
And it’s difficult for me to imagine a world where she isn’t only a few steps away,
a world where I can’t look out the greenbelt and see her kiddos climbing in the tree’s,
a world where I won’t be blessed daily by her shining countenance.
And since my eyes are already full of tears, and the lump in my throat is beginning to hurt,
I’ll just leave it at that.
Source: boozebagbettygoestorehab.blogspot.com via Ashley on Pinterest
Source: piccsy.com via Ashley on Pinterest
My BFF is just like all this and the hardest thing was I was the one that moved away. It was so hard that my brain literally erased out going away sobs and hugs cause it was crazy painful. We talk/text/FaceTime/Facebook/instagram daily but it’s never quite the same as our every-other-year visits. She is such an amazing person and our daughters also share a bond like this.
Such a beautiful post about your “soul sister” as me and mine call each other. So now that my throat has a huge lump and something mysteriously made my eyes water……I too shall stop.
I love this idea a lot. 🙂
It’s so funny/awesome that you wrote this, because I JUST wrote a whole post last Friday for my littlest sister’s 18th birthday where I talk all about her. She’s truly one of my best friends:
Everything you wrote about your bestie was beautiful. I’m sure she will appreciate all you wrote! She sounds like an amazing woman 🙂
I wrote about a lot of girls!!! 🙂
This is so sweet & so beautifully written!! I have moved many times & had to leave many friends I loved behind. There are those special people you meet that you never forget. It’s crazy when it just clicks and a woman you’ve known for a very short time becomes your sister. Good luck to Abby & you too Ashley.
Aww sweetheart, I could totally tell this post was utterly heartfelt and sincere! What a beautiful friend you have there!
kristi quill
my best friend and I met in fifth grade. we were awkward and clumsy, wore glasses and braces and lucky for us our teacher sat us side by side that first day of class. we navigated middle and high school together, applied to the same college, were accepted and lived together for four wonderful years. after college we went our separate ways, but always remained close. a few years later, she and her husband bought their first house together. a few months later i bought a house a few blocks away. a few years later my husband and I moved a few towns over. a few months later they moved a few blocks away. it was so fun! when i was pregnant with connor her husband was transferred to Michigan. I was heart broken. I was hormonal. I cried for weeks. fast forward five years, she is still in Michigan. we see each other a few times a year. we talk every day. she is still and will always be my best friend. distance is not fun. but your bestie is your bestie and always will be. xo
Jennifer Dawn
What a beautiful post. Abby sounds like an amazing person. I have a feeling that this friendship could survive any distance that it may be about to endure. 🙂
Thank you for sharing your friends with us and inspiring me to write this post about my bestie..
I would love you to stop by and let me know your thoughts 🙂
Claire xox
Wow can she move out here by me because she sounds like one of those friends everybody needs in her life. You are so good at capturing the right words. She is gorgeous and just looks incredibly sweet. I hope her adventure is wonderful and I am sorry that you are losing her from across the street. But know from experience she will always feel like she is right there….because I have one of those friends too.
Your post made me cry. It made me cry because I know what it’s like to have Abby move away from you. This is Zak’s sister. The day that Zak and Abby moved next to you was a horrible one. I cried for days and so did my children. I was so sad because I didn’t know what I would do without her. Because she is THAT person. Everything you said about her is truth. And while I am so excited to get her back, I will tell you, I am sad for you, and all of your wonderful friends because you won’t have her close. Because to lose her is to lose someone so special you can’t even describe it.
But I am sad for her also. I know she is excited to move back to us-To all the craziness that comes with family. But when I think about her moving away from you and all of the amazing women that you associate with it breaks my heart. Because she loves you. She is forever telling me of all of the ways that you inspire her, of the fun that you have, of the food that is dropped by, of the shopping adventures, of the way that you have made her life better. And made her better. (if that is even possible)
Back when one of my besties was married, I wrote a post about how amazing she is… She is 100% dedicated to her faith and it is something that I have struggled with since childhood. She’s a wonderful friend and a great inspiration. Take a look…
This post made me want to meet Abby and have her for a friend too! I’m so sorry she’s moving away. My best friend in the whole world is my sister, and it extremely hard to move away from her. We’re still super close, but it’s not the same as being with her often.
We are so lucky to have best friends like this! Thank you for sharing. You write what you’re thinking so well!
I tried my best to describe my BFF so everyone would truely understand how great she is. Thank you for the idea!!
I love this, what a sweet post.
gillian greding
I’ve already told you this, Ash, but this made me cry. You are lucky to have each other. Goodbyes are the worst. 🙁
Olivia @ I am still learning
She sounds like a great friend… and you too! But look at it this way, now you have an excuse for travel 🙂
Salena Lee @ A Little Piece of Me
You both are truly blessed. I love the way you write, you bring us in then always tear at our heart strings with a twist at the end. I’m sad now that she’s moving away but what a complete blessing that you have such a great friend and sister. 🙂
love this idea! True friendship like that is something that is irreplaceable.
You can read mine here:
This is beautiful. I decided to write a post about my best friend. 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Loved this writing prompt.
Loved getting to write about a special person that usually gets overlooked.
Dana Smith
Whoa!!!! Didn’t think that I had anymore tears to shed. That was BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love Abby so much, she’s my big sister and I’m so blessed to be apart of her life. She could never get rid of me, even if she tried. It warms my heart to know that she makes everyone around her feel special. She has left the building, but she will never leave ours hearts.
Jess @ The Colorful Ones
Wow! You are blessed to have such an amazing friend; sad to hear that she is moving away, but glad that you were blessed to have her so close while you did! And she sounds like the kind of gal who will make sure you two keep in touch! 🙂
This is so perfect for Abby. She is one in a million. She’s so relatable in so many ways and yet she has this really mature, calm, Christlike perspective that makes you feel like you need her to write a book so that you can know all that she knows. We needed Abby and the Lord knew it. What a woman she is. There’s nothing she can’t do. xxxxxx a million Abby!
Beautiful. It may be the 39 week pregnancy hormones, but this post made me cry.
How lucky you are to have a friend like this… Thanks for reminding me of my friend that is “that girl” too. (:
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[…] a better listener. This has been a more recent personal goal of mine. Ever since this girl entered my life, I’ve made a more conscious effort to be the friend who listens. Like really […]
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You both looking so beautiful together.