1. Yes Please, 2. Gimme, 3. Swag, 4. Uh Huh, 5. Love, 6. Fo Sho, 7. Oh Snap, 8. Yes Mam, 9. Yesiree, 10. Swoon, 11. Hot Dog
We’re getting close to that time.
The time when this new baby thing becomes a whole lot more real.
When I finally start to feel baby kickboxing moves in the bottom of my ribs and into my full bladder.
When the nesting sets in, and the cleaning supplies and plastic bins are in full supply.
When there is only 3.5 months left on the countdown before I have a second little peanut to hold in my arms.
And suddenly the need to spend unnecessary amounts of money overtakes me as I scour the Internet for adorable finds.
Above are the latest goodies I’m swooning over.
Precious, right.
However, the reality is…aside from these adorable accessories, there are items I actually need.
Like a double stroller {something sporty and portable}…
And a baby carrier {preferably something more intimate than my Bjorn}…
And a new infant car seat…
And whatever other can’t-live-without-it baby goody I must have…
Please, please, please tell me your recommendations–I need all the help I can get.
Allison @ House of Hepworths
I haven’t had a baby in 7 years (!!!) but the thing that came to mind the second you said you were wanting recos was this: http://www.joovy.com/p-129-appletree-caboose-stand-on-tandem-double-stroller.aspx
The Joovy sit and stand stroller.
OMG, best stroller ever invented. I CRIED when my baby was too big to fit in the seat anymore. Selling it on Craigslist was the saddest day of my life. I’d still use it if I could.
The seat in front even can fit a carrier, so you can use it from day 1.
I LOVE this stroller b/c it allows the older child to sit or stand in the back. My boy loved to stand and see where we were going. He also loved to be able to easily climb in and out of the stroller by himself.
I’m not kidding when I say this stroller changed my life.
Allison @ House of HepworthsYes….AGREE!!!! Greatest stroller EVER! =)
I love these things!! http://inapikle.com/ they would come in handy with two little ones! 🙂
Loved our Peg Perego infant seat.
Boon feeding spoon is amazing and so is the Boon drying rack.
Did you use the Aden and Anais swaddling blankets with your first? If not, I highly recommend as they are super soft and are great for swaddling. They are very light weight which is great for summer.
Beco Baby is wonderful! I put my cranky 3 year old in it the other day…Babies snuggle up front and toddlers ride in the back. Wait on the double stroller! Mom of 2 boys!
Alyce {Blossom Heart}
I saw you happily Pinning away divine baby boy-ness just before! I can’t help you out with car seats or strollers as I don’t know American brands, but I do know that I love my Ergo baby carrier and that it is a trans-Pacific baby item 🙂 It’s a cosy snuggly carrier where the baby faces you front-to-front but with all the straps and buckles that feel a bit more secure than a fabric-only wrap. Plus it also carries my 2yo son on my back just fine too for when I feel like swapping! AND the best part is that it comes in a wide range of colours, patterns and styles 😉
Good luck!
I hear the Moby wrap is good! I have baby #2 due in August and I think that’s what I’m going to use this time around (never used any kind of carrier with my son… not sure why because it would have made housework a lot easier!) I’m not sure about the double stroller but I sure am glad you wrote this post because I could use some suggestions too!! Congrats on baby boy #2 by the way! 🙂
HeatherI hated the Moby wrap. The fabric is so long that you have to put it on in the house, otherwise the fabric drags on the dirty ground while you are wrapping it around you. I liked my Ergo much better.
Krista Bolton
NikkiI didn’t like the Moby wrap either, but I did find a wrap that was much better – it’s called “The Nest”. Its kinda hard to find, but I LOVED it! I carried my then 4-month old all over Europe in it- I definately plan on using it again with my next baby.
For baby carriers, we love love loved the stretchy wrap for the first few months (something like the Moby Wrap). It was a lifesaver for us. Now we prefer the Ergo carrier. My little guy is almost 8 months and loves being carried in the Ergo. Eep! The last few months are always so exciting! Enjoy! 🙂
Caryn Arnold
For a double stroller, I loved the Joovy Caboose Ultralight. It is a sit-n-stand stroller so the older child can ride either sitting or standing, and it adapts to fit a car seat for the baby. I loved this one because it was the shortest wheel base of any double stroller – it’s about the size of a single travel system stroller. When my second came along I got the Graco double stroller and that thing was a monster!!! It was heavy and hard to steer. I quickly got rid of it and got my Joovy, and I was so much happier! It’s also easy to fold up and lift into your car 🙂
This is the one I had, but they have several models to choose from. Good luck!
Mindy Harris
a boba baby wrap! i’m pretty sure drea wood (just google her) has a discount ad on her blog. and some kind of activity kit (or 10) for big brother to get out while you are nursing. special toys or activities he can do while you’re nursing.
my two are 21 mos apart so that was kindof a challenge.
i’m so excited for you. i’ve missed your writing!
Well, I don’t have kids but, I know how you feel!
I’m sure your friends will spoil you though! Just make sure you give them really big hints! (:
Sorry, I’m not much help!
a phil & teds double jogger is the ONLY right answer when it comes to double joggers. yes, i’m that in love with mine to say so! and pretty much everyone else i know who has one. i might just keep having babies just so i can keep using it… hee hee, just kidding
and with baby #2 having a wrap was a TOTAL life saver, i even nursed in that thing. make sure you do your research though and read all you can on them to make sure you use it safely – the Moby site has great info. 🙂
the Moby wrap was my absolute favorite baby item and definitely on my “cannot live without” list if I every have another little one 🙂
Whitney Abuzeid
Those baby Toms are PRESH!! As far as double strollers — I have the city jogger double and I LOVE it! 🙂 It’s pretty light for a double and looks great! It’s big enough for my two year old but cozy enough for the little one! Also — you MUST get an Ergo! It’s LIFE changing!! 🙂
lauren @ me and mine
I just had little boy #2! We got the bumbleride indie twin stroller and it ROCKS. lots of the same coolness of BOB but more comfy and comes with all the add on’s that you would normally have to buy separately, plus the colors are to die for. and YES it fits through a single doorway!
infant carrier I would go ergo, its an investment but one that will be pennies a wear by the time you are through, I can still comfortably carry my 2 yr old on my back with it and its nice and snugly for the new baby.
we are using the infant seat from number 1 but I really do like the baby trend ones with the triangle handle for easy carrying- plus it hooks on the the fore-mentioned stroller perfectly.
good luck!
they say to use lavender oil for cord care. it is more soothing than rubbing alcohol and helps keep baby smelling fresh too. ohhh and a diaper genie. it helps keep the poo smell down between trash trips 🙂
I love my Ergo Baby with the Heart2Heart insert. The best way to carry baby and it lasts until they are 4. Also you can use it on the front, back or hip. I love this carrier.
And cute shoes – must have these even though baby won’t walk in them ever!!! Baby Nikes or Adidas are too cute in size 1.
jennifer beer
I too am expecting baby #2, due in august. My recs would be: I love the joovy ergo caboose double stroller. light, and comfy for both baby and your little one, and also very cost efficient. Lots of room underneath stroller. I love the ERGO baby carrier. Used it with my first, will use it again with this baby. As for a carseat, I am a BIG fan of peg perego.
Moby wrap.. best baby carrier ever!
I love my Joovy sit and stand stroller. My kids still love to pile on it, and there are three of them!
Aww you’re too cute :)!! I remember going thru this when I was pregnant… Now I work at for a company that sells daily baby deals {Makes me want another baby every time we sell something} lol
Anyways, I would recommend Ergo Baby and I also think that the diaper genie is the best invention ever! And Halo sleep sacks!
{I didn’t say anything but, You might want to check out http://www.babysteals.com tomorrow at 9am or 9pm mountain time {Utah Time} 🙂
I’m so happy to see you blogging again!
babytrend jogging stroller, moby first then ergo when they are big enough, for a infant car seat i reccomend the snugride 22 (because lets get real, who is going to carry a 30 lb in a carseat? so don’t waste your money on the more expensive ones) then after that, or from the beginning if you really want, i reccomend the graco myride65.
Kami Shaw
Am I the first comment? This is the best day of my life! The best product I can recommend is my double stroller. I have a City Mini Double, and I love it with all my heart! Hands down the best purchase I made with baby #2. First off, it weighs only 25 lbs, so you can actually pick it up and put it in your car. It folds incredibly flat of easy storage, and to fold it all you do is pull the strap in the seat and lift. You can lock the front wheels so it can be used as a jogger. It has huge shades and each seat can lay down individually. The seats are side by side so big brother doesn’t have to look at the back of a head all day. And possibly my favorite feature, it fits through a standard size door. People who hold doors open for me are always impressed that it fits, and I respond that is exactly why we bough it. Check it out, it was worth every penny and I couldn’t be happier.
You have to get an ergo baby carrier- it’s so much better than the bjorn. I have the perfect sling for you- I will mail it to you if you want me to! We loved our Chicco carseat that goes up to 30lbs. Oh girl, I’m sending you an email asap (which means I will also send you CE pictures!!)
Miss you and that sweet baby bump of yours!!
tiny toppings
Congrats! As a mom of 3, soon be 4, did I mention my oldest isn’t even in kindergarten yet and no twins? Yikes! , well I have a few must haves: 1. Phil & Teds only way to go for double strollers, 2. The Ergo baby carrier rocks, out bjourn to shame, 3. Love my chicco keyfit infant seat (2 kids strong & counting), 4. final must have, fisher-price Rock-n-sleep bassinet, hands down my newest newborn fav! Good luck & happy shopping! *Carly
Ergo baby carrier… fo sho!!! I had the Bjorn with #1 and that thing killed my back. The ergo is SOOOO much better and SOOOO worth the extra $. And it comes in a bunch of cute designs. We got the infant insert so I could use it right away. I also have a 2 year old and we never got a double stroller. With the Ergo, I haven’t felt like I needed one yet. Baby is always in the carrier and the toddler goes in the stroller if need be (but really she just wants to walk everywhere).
So excited for you! & I’m pretty sure I MUST get that tie for my little man. 🙂
Sandy a la Mode
all of these things are adorable!! and now i want them too!! esp the bowtie and shoes!!
hmmm baby things i love to use… aden + anais blankets, summer swaddle blankets with velcro, toys that light up, a crib mobile, and bowties add instant dapper to any little boy’s wardrobe haha!
Christine Brown
My Ktan carrier is amazing!!! It’s really easy to use and keeps baby close!!!
Ah the world of two kids. It makes me look back to the days when it was just Oliver and think “that wasn’t so hard” I got a schwinn double jogging stroller and I love it! My Sleepywrap is my carrier of choice and Landon loves the wubbanub pacifiers. They are actually really cute a soothie pacifier attached to a little animal perfect size for baby hands!
First of all congrats for baby #2.Well for a carrier I loved my beco and for a stroller I have a city mini I think its called and I love love it my boys are 2 and 4 and this two things are great hope it was some help.
nicolette @ momnivore's dilemma
With 2 kids {now 4, and 3}…I could not leave the house when baby #2 was under a year without my Ergo carrier.
I’ve heard good things about the Joovy for 2 kids, but my oldest LOVED to be strapped in a seat. So we went with the Baby Jogger City Micro for our double stroller. It was only $300 new, and can fit thru standard doorways. Best stroller I owned, hands down. You can fold it in half with ease, unlike the other strollers I owned.
My boys are too big for it now…too bad you are in Cali.
Enjoy the last trimester!
I just had our second daughter 5 months ago and I was totally obsessed with baby stuff!!! I love my maya wrap ring sling and my ergo carrier. We have a 2 year old daughter too and the stroller that is the best is our Phil and Ted. Snagged a single stroller on Craigslist and bought the doubles kit on their website. Best money ever spent. Also, both my kids loved to be swaddled, but would always break out of it. The miracle blanket is the greatest invention ever. I could go on and on, but will stop myself!!! Congrats and have fun shopping 🙂
i have a 22 monther, and a sweet little 2 monther – and we could not live with out our bob duallie stroller!! at $600, it’s expensive – but it’s sooo worth it. i’m pushing more than 65 pounds in there right now and it moves like i’m pushing air! could not imagine life with out it. also a baby wrap! i have the sleepy wrap – pretty much identical to the moby wrap. LOVE it. my little man is very demanding and need my attention all the time! so being able to strap on the little newbie and be hands on with my first born, but still have that closeness bonding with the baby – PRICELESS!! so exciting. it’s a lot of work but soooo incredible!
oh and ps…obviously a newborn can’t go in the bob double stroller – so we got the car seat/snack bar adaptor and put the newby in there in her car seat! life changing! 🙂
Angela Livingston
As a momma of 5 boys, I’ve quite possibly used every baby item there is! Some of my favorite carriers are the moby wrap and the baby hawk. My now 2 year old practically lived in the moby and my now 3 month old is the same way! I think strollers are the hardest thing to pick. I’ve had my fair share. Our favorites, although wide, are side by side jogging strollers. I was a lucky winner in last years jogger mom marathon (jogger mom.com) and received a Mountain Buggy stroller. We love it! Best of luck to you and your precious boys!
We LOVED our Ergo Carrier. I also enjoyed Taylormade’s Ring Sling. And the Sleepy Wrap. The last 2, I used from the time my daughter was born, until our twins were walking. Definitely worth the investment.
Emily T
Stroller: we have the baby jogger city select and it is amazing!! Bassinet attachment and so much versatility and really light for a double stroller
Baby wearing: I love our peanut shell one size sling but have heard great things about their adjustable one too. I have a baby Bjorn too but want a beco Gemini to take its place. Wraps are nice and cozy but I felt like it was way too much hassle to put on , especially with being a petite woman.
Moby. Hands down my favorite carrier.
Summer @ Made By Munchie's Mama
Those things are so stinkin’ adorable! First off, congrats on another boy! Seriously, brothers??? The very best! My guys are 2.5 and 1 and it is my very favorite thing to watch them interact with each other. The little one busts a gut laughing at the older one constantly and the older one loves to climb in the crib with brother when we go up to get him from his naps. Oh my gosh, the love that they already have for each other just melts my heart. I know that they recognize each other from the pre existence.
Now on to recos: stroller, city select!! Love this thing. The seats snap on and off and have 16 different configurations. You can use it like a snap n go with just a carseat, single stroller with just one seat, a carseat and single seat or 2 seats. It fits through any store sale rack, which is my favorite!
Ergo sport!!! If you get the ergo go with the sport, it’s less bulky. Get the heart 2 heart insert and make sure to watch the video on how to put the newborn in it…I was doing it totally wrong oopsie!
Dylan practically lived in it. The girls at church always joked that they thought I was carrying a doll with just arms and legs because that’s all they ever saw of him. He was so happy and would pass out instantly the second I put him in there. My 2 year old loves to ride on my back in it.
Hope that helps!
I didn’t need a double stroller as Eve was closing in on turning 4 when I had Lilah. However, I found that if I needed something I just clipped the footboard onto my Bugaboo Frog and she was happy to stand on that. I used a Peg Perego infant car seat and had the adapters on my Bugaboo frame so I could clip the carseat on for easy transition in and out of the car without disturbing the sleeping baby.
A few of my friends here that have 2 kids closer in age – they use the Phil & Teds stroller. I particularly like the look of this one as it also looks great without the extra seat once Lil W gets a bit bigger and refuses to go in the stroller 😉
I really didn’t use a carrier much but the one I had was the Bjorn. I have heard great things about the Moby wrap. The only bad thing I’ve heard about it is that it takes a bit of work to get on and off and a lot of wrapping etc. I would likely get tangled!
One of the things I couldn’t live without when I had Lilah was a really good wrap. Lilah was a BAD sleeper in the start and I happened to go to this baby expo with some friends one weekend and Tizzie Hall happened to be there. She is considered the “baby whisperer”. She had tons and tons of advice to help me solve Lilahs sleeping issues and oddly enough, they worked!. One of her recommendations was a really good wrap. Along with a really good mattress topper believe it or not. I purchased her wrap and sure enough Lilah was sleeping MUCH better. It was pretty much a wrap for people like me who wrap their babies then 5 seconds later they’ve squirmed out of it because I didn’t do it properly. Try and invest in a “fool proof” one.
I actually e-mailed Tizzie Hall months later and thanked her and got an actual reply from her!. She also sent me tons of free information about sleeping problems — tips that she charges a lot of money for!. If you’d like me to email them to you, id be happy to do so 🙂
McKenzie M
I have an 11 month old we LOVED and still LOVE our Maya Wrap Ring Sling. It’s easy to use, no fuss, comfortable, washable, and it changes with age.
We also have the Graco Snugride carseat and I love it. It has the best ratings and is the best bang for your buck!
We couldn’t live without our simple, nothing super special bouncy seat, the book “Happiest Baby on the Block”, and LOTS of blankets for swaddling.
So excited for you and up and coming bundle!
We had three carriers and in the end LOVED the ergobaby carrier the best hands down. As for double stroller, the Baby Jogger City Select is awesome as a double AND single stroller when your first little man gets too big for it. It has like 16 different configurations for the two seats. The best part of it is that it’s not super wide or long like most double strollers. We have the Peg Perego infant car seat and I really do like it but it is heavy. I heard that people love the Chicco Keyfit 30 and the Britax Chaperone. If you use bottles Born Free bottles are amazing and our daughter has never gotten gassy since we used them. Lastly, someone else mentioned the Boon drying rack that looks like grass and it seriously one of the best things we bought plus it looks so cool! Hope this helps!
Salena Lee @ A Little Piece of Me
We have the Kolcraft-Contours Options Tandem Stroller and I love it!! You can change it up, remove the seats and comes with the baby carrier attachment. We bought ours from babies r us but check it out here:
Allison Koehler
We love our Baby Jogger City Select Double Stroller. The kids sit stadium style instead of side by side. Has all the functionality of our first stroller The Cameleon from Bugaboo by is built for two. Love it!!
ana {bluebirdkisses}
I love the ergo carrier…..its so comfy and holds baby close
I LOVE the Joovy Sit and Stand Ultra Light. We have went through 9 strollers in 3 years (my oldest is 3) and it is hands down the Best. Stroller. Ever.
Lisa @ lists in my pocket
Congrats! I am getting the Baby Jogger City Mini GT (single version) but I hear their double stroller is amazing. The fold can be done with one hand – amazing. Erin from Blue Eyed Bride also did a post on the City Select for her two boys: http://blueeyedbride.com/2011/10/26/my-favorite-products-and-brands-for-babies/
For a car seat, we’re getting the Chicco Keyfit 30 and for a wrap I went with the Beco Gemini carrier. I heard great things about the Ergo but the baby can never face out. The Beco is also ergonomically supportive, comes in great neutral colors, and the baby can face in or out and be worn on your back too! Do a final post on what you chose, I’d love to hear your reviews 🙂
I love, love my Ergo! It is so cozy and comfortable when they are itty bitty, and still easy and comfortable using it with a 2 year old. I have used it for everyday use, walking at a store, and even for hiking (when he was bitty.) Best wishes as you prepre for this little blessing!
My personal favorite baby carrier is my moby wrap. I love it! I have had a carrier, a sling, and now my moby and it is by far the best, especially when you have another little one running around. I actually made mine. http://www.rookiemoms.com/how-to-make-a-moby-wrap/ I bought knit fabric so I didn’t have to sew anything and instead of putting a patch in the middle of the fabric I sewed on some cute buttons to make a line down the center. It was SUPER easy and cheap and the best thing I have ever made! I hope this helps and good luck!
I can not rave enough about the wraps for babes. Mine is a year old and I only JUST stopped using it. It is so much easier on your back than the other back backy carrier things. The only adjusting you need to do as they get bigger is wrapping the wrap to their bodies. My daughter would fall asleep almost as soon as I put her in there. My husband even loves to use it!!! You really need to get one!!
Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims
Awww love those little giraffes 🙂 such cute choices!!
I absolutely love my Moby Wrap. I’ve used it with all three of my kids. It makes for great cuddling time, and also leaves your hands free so you can still play with your other kiddo!
I am due just a few months after you with baby #3 (and final!). My middle child will be 3 months shy of turning 3 years old when this one comes. We are purchasing the Joovy Sit and Stand. It seems durable, comfortable and cute. I think Amazon has it for $150 or less, too. http://www.amazon.com/Joovy-Caboose-Tandem-Stroller-Orangetree/dp/B001IYB2HW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1332165176&sr=8-1. There’s also the Ultralight that is more, but not as heavy. As for a carrier, like the others have mentioned, we are getting the Ergo Baby. Every so often, BabySteals has them for less than $100, too. We had the Chicco Keyfit infant carrier with my daughter and we loved it. We will be using that again. Good luck!
Cassie Hahl
For a double stroller you HAVE to get the Bumbleride Indie Twin. It is pricey, but let me tell you it is worth EVERY single penny! I am in LOVE with mine, I have a boy and girl and I got the aqua/green one. Please make sure you post all of the great things you bought and where you got them. You have amazing taste and I can’t wait to see what you find!
Mary P.
I cannot recommend enough my Beco Baby Carrier (http://www.becobabycarrier.com). I tried soooooo many carriers (including the Bjorn) trying to find one I liked and the Beco Butterfly 2 was definitely the best, THE BEST!! I had the baby all snuggled with me and it was so comfortable to walk, bend and everything, it was like the baby was part of my body again. And then, when he got older I put him on my back and kept carrying him, until he was around 2 1/2 years old. I have seen people with older children on the Beco, but my kids are really, really heavy.
Lindsey skinner
The BEST baby carrier is the Moby wrap! There are a ton of ways to wear baby, and anyone. An use it from grandmas to daddy to you…no special adjusting. It takes a few practice runs to get used to tying it, but is so comfy and you can function with it on. We bought a sit and stand stroller. Yes it’s a little big, but any carrier carseat clicks in either seat and W can either sit in the front or stand in the back. Surprisingly it folds into a size only a little bigger than our old traditional stroller.
Jessica Finch
For a baby carrier I hear the Baby K’tan is almost like the MOBY but not as much fabric and way faster to put on. This comes from a mom who is obsessed with the moby, she switched to this!!! Here is her websitehttp://mommylikes.blogspot.com/2011/04/review-ktan-baby-carrier.html and here is the product website http://www.babyktan.com/babycarriers.html. As far a strollers I hear the phil and ted are awesome, spendy but awesome!
I am a mom of two, a sweet daughter (4 years) and son (2 years), they are 19 months apart. I too love my Ergo carrier BUT beware, it’s soooo tricky to learn how to use for backpack style! I was warned about this but thought that I could quickly figure it out….nope. I just never felt comfortable putting my daughter (at the time she was only two)on w/out some help.
I did want to suggest checking out Nickisdiapers.com. They have a great site for diapering and baby needs. It is here that you will find Best Bottom diapers, actually created by the owner and made in the USA. These are cloth diapers BUT super easy to use and maintain! Promise!! With my first child, I used disposables and totally regret it. We definitely left our carbon footprint in this world! 🙂 however, I did a lot of research and discovered that cloth diapering is so good for your baby and the people at this site are extremely helpful! I called many times with questions and each time, they walked me through my mommy moments. (Also, I’m a full time working mom and I easily am able to handle the washing of these….every two days, they go in the machine and ready to use. Oh yeah, the price is the best too!
This is the best sling for petite women – truly I have tried SEVERAL/many slings and packs (Structured, baby bjorn, beco butterfly; ergo; mama kangeroo; little stars; hot slings; heart to heart; I know crazy but this sling – both my children LIVED in – my son until he was 3 and it was not safe anymore because the material started to fray a little after repeated washings and 6 years of use! Order the petite size – it made the biggest difference for me I think – i could not have lived without it!!!
Lani Derrick
would love to send you some goodies from our shop. Please email with your shipping address if you would like a handmade care package!
I’m in the same position right now for a double stroller and new infant seat, so I can’t help you there. But, I can say that as much as babies seem to enjoy the Moby wrap (I have a bought one and a diy one) they are very inconvenient in public. Too much fabric (they take up a ton of space in a diaper bag or bottom of the stroller, and they are really hard to put on in public because of the length of fabric). They are nice at home though. If you are looking for something to wear out of the house, I highly recommend this one: http://www.mykarmababy.com/pages/BabySlingPattern.php
I made one when my first son was about 11 months old because I was tired of the moby and he loved it. He liked to sit in it on my hip until he was too heavy. It’s great for cuddling with sleeping babies too. And the best part is that you can make one in 30 minutes and it’s so simple!! I made two, one with a strong light weight fabric for warm days, and one with a soft inner lining for winter.
We’ve used Aden and Anais blankets since day one and my two year old always has to have one with him wherever he goes. They are the best blankets ever.
Other goodies we love – if you have an iphone or ipad, the apple video monitor is awesome. It’s the same price as any other video monitor at the store, but you use your phone or ipad as the screen to watch baby and you can access it even when you aren’t home.
So excited for you! We find out what we’re having in three weeks!!
I had my third almost 10 months ago and I used the baby k’tan wrap for him. i really like it as it is comfortable and very versatile. but, the thing i used the very most and recommend to all my friends having little ones are the aiden and anais swaddle blankets. they are amazing!! if you buy nothing else, get yourself a package of those. you won’t regret it.
I worked for a High End Baby Gear Manufactuer for a few years. The one thing I learned from them is that ANYTHING you buy your baby and kids you want to it to be certified by the JPMA. This is the Juveniel Products Manu. Association. Their saftey standards are MUCH higher than the Federal government. The products certified by them are put through much more vigorus tests and in my opinion makes them much safer and better products for your babies.
Not sure if you sew or not (I just simply can’t remember right now) but I love my Mei Tai baby carrier. There is no material between you and baby (other than your clothes of course) and you can google search for online directions. Or I know you can find them on Etsy. If I wasn’t pregnant with our second son I would still carry my almost 2 year old in it. Both my husband and I like to wear it and will be using it for this baby when he gets here in July. My favorite part is it can be used for newborn through to as big of a toddler as you can carry. You can carry baby on the front (facing you or the world), hip, or back.
Trisha @ Inspiration Laboratories
I loved the Moby Wrap. The fabric is long, so you do really need to put it on before you leave the house, but I figured out how to wrap it without letting it touch the ground. It does have a little bit of a learning curve, but once you figure it out (there’s great instructions and videos to help), it’s well worth the effort. It allows you to hold your baby very closely and even as a newborn. The wrap grows with you as you can change positions as your little one gets bigger. My only complaint was that the fabric could get a bit warm. The one I chose was 100% cotton, but they may make more breathable versions…
Hi! Couldn’t live without my baby Ergo carrier, way, way, way better & more comfortable than the Bjorn. Nicer support and if you get the organic one, the fabric is super soft. Wonderful product. Good luck with the last couple of months!
I upgraded from the Bjorn to the Ergo and LOVED it. I used it well into 2 years with both my girls. The front zipped- pocket was awesome.
I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED my moby wrap! There are all kinds of ways to hold baby from newborn to toddler! There is even a nursing hold, so you can nurse on the go – think out at the park with Mr. W (I used it to nurs our 3rd playing mini golf on vacation – LOL). It does take a few tries (like 4 or 5) to easily wrap it by yourself, but once you get it you’re golden.
I loved my double stroller – Contours options tandem stroller – It has bars to hold an infant seat and what I liked best was that the seats can face forward or backward independently – so the kids can both face front, both back, back to back to facing each other!
We used Graco car seats. They are safe and affordable!
Happy Shopping! 🙂
So excited for you and Ben to welcome your new little one. I am part of a moms group and we all SWEAR by the Ergo carrier – you must get it. I used the Baby bjorn for 1 or 2 months and then the Ergo until 2 years old! Also we all LOVE the Phil and Ted Double (Sport or any model). The cool thing is you can but the infant in the front and fully recline without the infant seat if you need to and either kid can lay flat for a nap – and it is front and back and not side to side so much less bulky. I have the sport and my almost 5 year old and 2 year old still ride in in for runs a few times a week (and it is not even meant as a jogging stroller but works so great for that too!) So ERGO AND PHIL AND TED FOR SURE! But I bet you have lots of recommendations.
I didn’t read all the comments above, but I am positive many people agree that Phil and Ted’s is the only way to go! Seriously BEST. STROLLER. EVER!!!!! I am not sure what I will use in a few months (I am a few weeks behind you with baby #3…my oldest just turned 3)
Also, I wanted to mention, you can usually find a good deal on Craigslist and Costco just recentely started selling them!
Good luck with 2!
Courtney Marshall
I HIGHLY recommend the Ergo Baby Carrier. Seriously. The. Best. Carrier.EVER! It’s easy on your back, stylish, practical and if you decide to nurse then it’s also a great way to do it while you still have your arms/hands free. Easy to use and has an infant insert you can use while baby is super young. Good luck!
I’m a mama of 3 and i think i tried every double stroller out there. I had issues with the Phil & Ted double, mainly that they can pinch their little fingers in the wheels (if they are sitting on the bottom seat) The Joovy was good for short trips, but if your older boy is tired and wants to lay down he can’t. It is just a seat, no back. We go to Disneyland a lot & if J got tired, he would have to sit up & I would have to try to hold him up! No thank you! After buying & returning about 5 double strollers, I ended up with the Jane Powertwin Stroller. It is from Spain, so you might have to search around for it. (Bummer, I just sold mine on Craigslist!) It is a tandem jogger/stroller. You can lock the front tire to jog and unlock it to walk around. The front wheel swivels all the way around for easy manuvering around the mall, stores & people (D-land & the zoo). I hope this helps. As far as wraps go, I’m no help…all 3 of my shrinky dinks hated them! They screamed everytime I put them in. Enjoy this season of life. It’s hard now but what a blessing!!
Melissa, The Happier Homemaker
I have three boys and the second and third times I had very little “needs” but lots of “wants!” I highly recommend Moby Wraps for when baby is young, moving to Hotslings as they get older (you can use both from birth to 35 pounds though, that is just how I prefer to use them). If the wrapping of the Moby isn’t your syle look into the K’tan as its the same basic concept without the wrapping.
I also loved my BOB Duallie but it doesn’t fold down very small so depending on how often you’d need it in your vehicle and what kind of vehicle you had it may not work well for you. I abhorred my inline double stroller (Graco Quattro Duo). Maybe you could get a sit and stand-I haven’t used one but it would have to be better.
Andrea Levesque
I have two boys and seven carriers! It took me that many to find one that I actually LOVE. For the infant stage, the blue celery was indispensable. LOVE. Once the baby is a little bigger, the Beco Gemini is fabulous. A close third is the Ergo, but I like the Beco because the baby is able to face out as well as in.
Good luck with your decision! 🙂
The Baby K’Tan was my lifesaver!! My daughter absolutely loved it. I took it with us everywhere for the first 6 months. I could walk around nursing her in it in public without anyone even knowing. It folds up very small and fits easily in the diaper bag, is machine washable, can be worn several different ways depending on the child (and grows with your baby), and is fairly easy to get on/get baby into once you get the hang of it. I highly recommend it and couldn’t imagine life in the first 6 months without it! I also found it to be very intimate and provide good bonding opportunities with my little one.
I’ve been through many carriers (not a fan of bjorn, k’tan or moby) my favorite is the maya wrap when they are little but once they get bigger it can be a little too much on one shoulder so I like either the boba or ergo for 6 months plus
Also as far as double strollers go I love our Phil and ted double it feels like a single before that I had a joovy sit and stand and kolcraft double both were way to heavy and bulky for me which made leaving the house with 3 little ones a chore
I loved the Ergo. It made trips with 2 kids totally feasible. It’s easy and quick to put on, and very comfortable. Plus my baby loved it. She’s now 10 months (and 22 lb) and still goes in it occasionally.
My daughter lived in the moby for the 1st 6 months superveaynto nurse in while at the park and stuff! Then we moved to the ergo! Love it too! And double bob all the way!
Zsa Zsa
If you are going to breastfeed, a breastfeeding cover is necessary. I like burp cloths, too.
This was the BEST investment when. Had our second baby boy 6 months ago. It is light enough to carry everywhere so I could move the baby room to room and play with my 2 year old. I was able to be with bot babies at the same time so I never had to tell my first born to wait or hold on, I would just move the baby right along with us!!
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We were in school with our first, and with our second, we JUST got out of school, so my beginning baby stuff was run of the mill and so basic. By the time I actually had spending money, I already had stuff that seemed silly to upgrade….sometimes I still wish I would have. With my 4th, my big splurge was the BOB jogger. The single was $350 and that was very painful to swallow, but I had a huge random brand double that was so cumbersome that I just despised it. If you will go on lots of walks or jog, the BOB is the way to go. My friend sold her double for almost as much as she bought it for, so I kept that in mind when I purchased and it made it easier….
So glad to see you are back to posting! I kept checking….and still do every once in a while (I don’t do the reader thing, so it’s only when I think about checking). Can’t wait for the excitement of baby #2!
Amanda@ Lillys&Lollipops
I don’t have a 2nd baby yet. My little one is 2 years old, but I still find myself looking at things online like double strollers, and other various baby items. I found this double stroller by Phil and teds. This Thing looks awsome, I love it because its not gigantic, like some other double stroller. and it can be a single or a double bc you can remove the second seat.
Also this isn’t really a must have item, but I found this little baby bean bag the other day!
ps. I love those tiny TOMS!!
I loved having a baby sling (or some like the wraps). I loved how easy and simple it was and my babies loved it since they could be close to me and hear my heartbeat 🙂 Plus I liked that it supposed their head better and easily wash it.
As far as double strollers go… I used both a jogger stoller (that doubled as a bike trailer. score!) for outdoors and also a single front/back stroller for going shopping since it goes thru the doorways and aisles. Plus you can pop the carseat in and away you go!
Going on to baby must have goodies….a vibrating star teether. I don’t know if they still make them but my little ones loved them. Another one of my favs too was a musical platypus. It played classical music and lit up with colors. It was a plush toy for infants to toddlers. Any soothing classical music helped not only my babies relax during nursing (especially at night) but for me as well.
Delightful Deets
All of those things are precious! We are getting ready to have our 3rd in August and I love the stroller we have! We lived in San Francisco for a bit and I knew I wanted something to go in and out of the tiny stores. I loved the Bob double, but decided on the Phil and Ted. I have absolutely loved it! I wanted something that could be a double or single and transition because our little boy was almost 3 when our little girl came. I’d use it for the zoo and long walking outings, but didn’t need it all the time. Even though he is 5, I use it for Disneyland because I don’t want him to get lost in the crowd or if he is eating he can have a place to sit. It’s great to be able to switch back and forth and have something light. Good luck!
The FisherPrice rock n sleep bassinet is wonderful and was such a saving grace with my second. I have since loaned it to three friends who fell in love with it so much they also kept baby in a few weeks longer than ‘suggested’. I also loved my baby carrier cover to keep germs out and baby sleeping. I have recently started making these since they are such a hit with all my friends. Let me know what colors you like and I’ll send you one.
Cami Fulmer
I loved my Maya Wrap. I was able to adjust it into many positions and use it well into toddlerhood!
leah @marital bless
Congratulations on baby boy #2! You are going to LOVE it. Witnessing their friendship daily be strengthened is amazing.
I love my Boba carrier!
We just bough the Citiselect double stroller. It’s a bit expensive $500 + the attachment for the second seat. It’s super easy to fold-up and collapse for trips. It’s front-back seating and steers very easily. I also love my Olives and Applesauce baby carrier. I wore my daughter on the front (chest-to-chest) when she was 8 wks, and then I recently started her wearing on my back piggy-back style. She loves it!
100% hands down, the ergo carrier!
Jessica kiehn
Becco carrier!!!!! Loooove it. Im preg with our second as well and looking into BOB duallie jogging double stroller. Heard they are the best.
Phil and Teds most definitely for the stroller!! And for the carrier, I just CAN NOT recommend the Loopix enough!! It’s snuggly like the moby, but I don’t feel like a ninja walking around in that fabric. When the babe is bigger, definitely the Ergo carrier. Mother’s Bliss Gripe Water for gas. It’s all natural and is incredible!! I literally had new mom friends bang on my door in the middle of the night when both of our girls were babies because she ran out!! 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on baby #2!!! I have a 21 month old and when she was first born, I swear I tried every wrap out there for baby wearing before I finally found the perfect one for me which was “baby k’tan”. For me, it was the most user friendly and comfortable while feeling that my baby was very secure. Now that she is older and heavier my husband and I both love the “Ergo”. The “Ergo” can be used for newborns as well, however, I felt that the “baby k’tan” offered more of a bonding feeling with my baby. It is definitely personal preference and the best way to decide is to actually try them. Use a doll or stuffed animal to practice. Best of luck!!!
I have three kiddos and the Moby Wrap has been my favorite out of several different carriers.
OH and the greatest diaper bag I have found is the Miche diaper bag! LOVE IT! and when i no longer what it as a diaper bag but as a large purse I switch covers and have a purse.
Robyn Farmer
BOB Double stroller
Ergo Baby Carrier
Revealing Review Of Joovy Sit And Stand Strollers | Infant Car Seat
[…] Baby Wants and a Plea for Your Help – Little Miss Mommavar base_url_sociable = 'http://mykidneeds.com/InfantCarSeat/wp-content/plugins/sociable/' .recentcomments a{display:inline !important;padding:0 !important;margin:0 !important;} body {font-family:'lucida grande', Verdana, Sans-Serif;} h2, h3, h4, h5 ,h6 {color:#000000} h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a ,h6 a {color:#000000} h2 a:hover, h3 a:hover, h4 a:hover, h5a:hover ,h6 a:hover {color:#333333} .page a, .sidebar a {color:#336699} .page a:hover, .sidebar a:hover {color:#D45D2A} .post { padding: 0px;} .titleText {color:#FFFFFF; margin:20px 0px 0px} .titleText h1 {color:#FFFFFF;} .titleText a {color:#FFFFFF; margin:20px 0px 0px} .titleText a:hover {color:#FFFFFF;} .titleText {font-family:} .titleText {font-size:280%;} .descText {color:#FFFFFF;} .descText {font-family:} .descText {font-size:190%} #header {text-align:; font-size:90%;} body {background:#F4F4F4 } .im-topNav a {color:#000000} .im-topNav a:hover {color:#D45D2A} .im-nav a {color:#000000} .im-nav a:hover {color:#D45D2A} #access a { color: #000000} #access a:hover { color: #D45D2A} .menu-primary li a,.menu-top li a,.menu-bottomleft li a,.menu-bottomright li a {color: #000000;} .menu-primary li a:hover,.menu-top li a:hover,.menu-bottomleft li a:hover,.menu-bottomright li a:hover {color: #D45D2A} .im-lowerFooter {color:#333333} .im-lowerFooter a {color:#336699} .im-lowerFooter a:hover {color:#D45D2A} .post h1 a, .post h2 a {color:#000000} .post h1 a:hover, .post h2 a:hover {color:#333333} .post a {color:#336699} .post a:hover {color:#D45D2A} #header {width:940px; height:150px; overflow:hidden; padding:5px 10px 0px; background:url(http://mykidneeds.com/InfantCarSeat/wp-content/themes/socrates/header-images/uploads/socblurryroad.jpg) no-repeat;} var J = jQuery.noConflict(); J(document).ready(function() {J('body').supersleight();}); .top728 { margin-top: -15px; } .side190 { margin-top: -15px; }Infant Car SeatKeep Your Infant Baby Safe When Traveling With Infant Car Seat […]
Brett marie
as a mom of 3 littles (3 in 3 years)…here’s my “hot list”:
stroller – baby jogger city select double – love it! fits one, two or three (third on a glider board), huge basket, not too wide, great wheels for various terrains (just note, it’s made by baby jogger, it’s not a jogging stroller); make sure you get the car seat adapter as well
ergo with infant insert – perfect for when they want to snuggle and sleep and be close to your heartbeat….as mine get more active & curious they prefer facing out in a bjorn (ergo doesn’t allow for front facing)
all of those other items are adorable; but i would spend money on these two items and reuse Ws clothes. just sayin’ 🙂
God bless you; health and happiness to your beautiful family
i reccommend the beco butterfly carrier- it has a great newborn insert and the baby is so secure. plus once he’s in you can adjust your pants/shirt before you buckle the hip strap…I like that feature! 🙂
Liz Anderson
Ashley…gosh I feel like I am talking to a friend! haha. Anyways…I wanted to let you know two things. I have the diaper bag you have pictured above and I love it. With my first 3 I had a jujubee which are amazing diaper bags. You just throw them in the wash and they are like new!!! swear. With my 4th I wanted a new one since I thought it was my last (still not sure that is the case but I do have 4 five and under) and I also wanted one that didn’t have a flap. So I went with this one and its a great size and looks like a purse…not a diaper bag. And the best thing is you can convert it into a backpack. This is great for zoo’s, theme parks, etc. Second advice is a bumbleride stroller is the best!!! Its soooo smooth and you can totally push it with one finger and two kids in it. It is pricey…we got ours new on craigslist for about 500 but you will not regret a single dollar spent. Trust me…i even want to say I would totally reimburse you for it if you didn’t like it. Its side by side but it literally fits through any door. When I would go out people always would open the second door thinking my stroller wouldn’t fit through but I never wanted them to just so they could see it really could pass through the doorway. Im such a rambler…but Im done now 😉 Hope you are feeling a lot better!
Baby K’Tan is a nice carrier alternative to the Moby Wrap! Double strollers ugg..they are all cumbersome in one way or another. The Baby Jogger City Select with the double seat is nice.
I can’t remember if I commented yet or not! I would go for a Moby Wrap. I loved mine for when my baby was a newborn, and I still use it!
You NEED a nursing cover from http://prettywellcovered.bigcartel.com. I had one and they were fantastic, much better than any other cover. They were just on house*tweaking blog too, with a giveaway. Can’t recommend highly enough!
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