Hello Monday.
Hello first rain.
Hello to the smell of wet asphalt and the seasons first lit fireplaces.
Hello to unpacked Halloween decorations.
Hello to arts and crafts.
Hello to candy corn inspired pom pom necklaces.
Hello to adorable wrinkly fingers of my new one day old nephew.
Hello to soft cries, fuzzy hair and snuggle warmth.
Hello to pure love.
Hello to a beach side dinner with girl friends.
Hello to lots of butter, sugar and carbs.
Hello popped top button of my jeans.
Hello number puzzles, cheese pizza and a day playing with our best friends.
Hello to my Fall boots.
Hello soft yellow sweater.
Hello to my new favorite accessory.
No really, HELLO iPad Snuggie–but I don’t have an iPad so…
Hello netbook snuggie.
Hello yellow chevrons and polka dot yo yo’s.
Hello discount code to Rags to Stitches Boutique.
Hello to another busy week.
Hello to-do list.
Hello to Lil W’s first school picture day.
Hello to a week of new opportunities, staying positive, and making memories.
Hello beautiful Monday.
What are you saying hello to today?
Inspired by Lisa Leonard’s weekly Hello Monday posts. Link up in her comments section.
Hello to the smells of Autumn. The crisp air, the crunch of leaves on the ground…..I Love this time of the year!!
I gotta ask….where did you get your outfit??
Rebecca ~ Raige Creations
trying to greet a week on little stress. Hello wonderful week on productivity and some fun. that is as far as I have gotten today. after my coffee is finished, perhaps there will be more hello’s.
love your yellow!!
Hello to the Thanks Giving day, here in Canada (Montreal). Hello day off, Hello sunshine and I will say good bye to my pool, my garden and my grass in a few months juste because I will say Hello to the snow..snif snif…
** Sorry for my so “primaire” anglish** I will try to practice with you…:)
I think all those things make for a wonderful week ahead!
Hello Little Ms Momma! What a fun post and precious new nephew – congratulations!!
For Love of Cupcakes
love the ipad cover – and even more so you’re awesome outfit!
I love your outfit. You are so pretty! Love the ipad case too
Sandy a la Mode
ahh girl, i LOVE your outfit!! where did u get your boots!? i need a pair like that!!
Chelsey Davis
Today we are saying Hello to gorgeous weather and a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner! It’s Thanksgiving Day today in Canada and we could not be happier to spend the day playing as a family!
We are so thankful!
What kind of Netbook do you have and do you like it? I’m tired of sharing the laptop with my husband. I need my own!
ana {blubirdkisses}
I’m saying Hello to a rainy Canadian Thanksgiving day! nothing will make that turkey and pumpking pie taste less amazing…not even a little west coast rain fall
Hello sunshiney fall day. Hello opportunity to get another snuggie (I love Rags to Stitches! I have both an iPad and a notebook snuggie – now I just need one for my Nook!). Hello beautiful post. Thank you for sharing!!
hello fantastically awesome blue dress and yellow sweater and boots and necklace and everything working PERFECTLY together for that outfit! love love looovvvved it 🙂
Vivi Kathryn
Hellooooo gorgeous fall outift!
I made your M&M cookies!
Vivi Kathryn
Hellooooo gorgeous fall outift!
I made your M&M cookies!
michelle @ this little light
Visiting from Lisa Leonard’s link-up!
And here I thought you looked so cute because you were off to a party! Love the iPad snuggie. Very cool.
I second that: Hello yellow chevrons and polka dots. Hello to the crisp air…hello to the feeling of Fall in the morning. Hello to fog, rainy nights watching movies with the boyfriend.
Hello spring is all I can say down under in Sydney.
Hello road trip down the coast-line.
Hello fishing for dinner.
Hello Melbourne Cup Races and fancy hats.
Hello a new DIY project, hello fascinators.
And in a few weeks: Hello stinking hot evenings and sun block.
umm excuse me! you are on LAUREN CONRAD’s website.
why haven’t i heard about this until now.
hopefully this is not news to you.
check it!
I love your outfit! I must know where you got those boots! 🙂 I love fall!
Magic(k)al Melissa
Hello to an elegant and graceful way to greet a new week and its many magical possibilities! I may have to gank this for my own blog.
Next week.
Kristen Duke Photography
Are you gonna give it up on the dress/cardigan? LOVE!
Heidi Ferguson
Hello MY fall boots—we have the same ones. And I love them so much that I might wear them in my coffin when I’m dead.
I WISH it was boot and sweater weather where I live! I’m still in flip-flops and sundresses, and I’d rather be saying hello to hot chocolate and fall leaves! 🙂 XOXO
I love the necklaces and boots!
Congrats on your new nephew!
Gina @ Oaxacaborn
Stopping by from Gussy Sews…I just <3 this color combination!!
I absolutely LOVE the way you blog. SO real.
And that iPad snuggie is AMAZING!! As are the candy corn inspired bib necklaces.
Gussy Sews sent me!
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