There were two things that I desperately wanted to do today:
bubble bath
As you can see, Mommy alone time only permitted one:
{meet my snaggle toes}
And yes, the bubbles are hiding my unsightly toe hair peach fuzz.
What did you want to do today?
Have you met our new sponsor?
She’s lovely and her designs are D.E.V.I.N.E.
like seriously!
Have you met our new sponsor?
She’s lovely and her designs are D.E.V.I.N.E.
like seriously!
Take a nap 🙂
Blessed Mommy of 2
Pedicure would have been nice. Maybe I will make time this weekend. =)
I could pretty much use both!! it's been one of THOSE days and a bubble bath sounds heavenly! And my toes… the just need some lovin'
I'm a new follower and ive just spent so much time rummaging through your blog here, i love it!
I'm a new mommy as well and I'd kill for a pedi right now! I'm not a fan of baths but it sure sounds lovely!
I want a pedi too! 🙂
The fork and spoon is cute cute
Just Better Together is having a YesStyle giveaway!
Miss Priss Morgan
I want to get in to my hair stylist! My supposed-to-look-like-ombre-highlights-like-the-celebrities-have-but-it-didn't-turn-out hair color is driving me up the wall. Something needs to be done, quickly!
haha well it's okay, atleast you got to relax for a bit! love the bath toys too 😉
Ashley Hasty
I'm sorry you didn't have enough time for both!! I'm glad you had time for at least one!
Maybe a pedicure tomorrow? I'm in need of one, too.
<3 Ashley
Nina @ Momma Go Round
Yeah, I need a pedicure like way worse! Uncle B wanna watch another cute little man?
Dominique from Craft Couture
Go sleding with my little girl in our freshly fallen snow lol.
Oh & a bubble bath would have been amazing! I do not remember the last time i had one, it's been years…
Oh I love you, you crack me up!
I would have liked to get in a shower today. Especially since (and this will totally gross you out) I started potty training my sweet Izzy and she managed to pee on me a couple of times. Yeah, nice.
Also would have LOVED to get a back massage. To help ease the pain that has crept up from quickly snatching up Izzy and running with her out in front of me to the bathroom. You know, to prevent getting peed on – didn't work.
Ashley @ Life Is Beautiful
Your toes look great compared to mine. I can't believe I'm going to admit this, but I still have nail polish on mine from the end of Spring. Yes, I'm serious.
-Many Smiles!!
i love these utensils!
Love this, I can so relate, as can like every other mom out there, lol. Priceless, and I love that you have toe hair too, I thought it was just me, NOT….
Bubble bath. I even thought about it. But it would have required cleaning the tub first and removing all the tiny little toys.
Mrs. Knuth
I just started reading your blog and I love it! You have an amazing way with words and your son is so handsome! Ahh keep up the great work!
I'm a new SAHM! with a son as well <3
I look forward to your future posts!
I wanted to look pretty, have a clean house, not have morning sickness, and be a good mommy. I did one of the above, I did not yell all day long!
I wanted to do some scrapbooking but the little ones had other ideas! Maybe tomorrow 😉
I am so jealous! Mommy time, what is that like? I can't even remember the last time I was able to soak in a tub… lol.
The things we give up for our babies!
Heather {Waking up in Vegas}
My girl is 3 now…so I can get in a nice bubble bath here and there…but a pedicure! What I would do for that!!
Am I a nerd for saying it was SO SUPER EXCITING to see my stuff on your blog today? Probably….but I was…I am…Yippee! 🙂
Raige Creations
Oh, I SO remember those days! When you were lucky just to get enough time to pee. 🙂 Don't worry, soon enough you will be able to do that, and have more relaxing alone time. It happens fast. (mine are now teens!!)
What I want – a maid! The hairballs in the corners are alive, I swear.
A set of Toekini's would look wonderful on even un-pedi'd feet. You can win one here:
I know exactly how you feel! Is it bad that I look forward to going to work just so that I can eat and pee when I feel like it? I have really been wanting to take a bubble bath though! Miss T gets to take them all the time, why not me? 😉
Amanda Joy
Peacjh fuzz on the toes is the worst… you crack me up:)
Peyton's Mom
You are too funny! I need a pedi! Went to pilates and took off my socks to find out a couple of toes were missing nail polish, the rest were half chipped in a dark color!
This inspired me to look at my toenails. Then I got scared. How does a mother of 2 girls get scared of toes when she has REAL things to worry about? Not sure. I think its just another one of those being a mommy mysteries.
You should do a post about ridiculous mommy fears. Then you (and I) might forget about our toes.
Then again, probably not….
I want to finish a cross stitch and work on my family subway art. But I'm stuck at work. Maybe tonight if I can stay up past 9pm?! Ahhhhh
I dont remember the last time I had either of them….Lucky you!
Peacefully Hooked
What to do today?? Get my homework done. What have I done so far??
Looked for our cat, updated my blog [murdockmemoirs.blogspot.com], updated my etsy shop [http://www.etsy.com/shop/peacefullyhooked] and talked to my momma in Texas. And right now I'm thinking about watching a little TLC and crocheting until just before my husband gets home when I will swiftly transfer back to my desk, hid all the blog links and other more fun sites on my computer and open up my school website to make it seem like I have been hard at work while he was slaying dragons for our little family.
Holly Kolvig
Ohhh I wanted to get the revamp of our bedroom done, but to no avail, hubby got called to work for two days (which is a good thing) maybe by Tomorrow. I got my pedicure from my Daughter 5yrs and hubby last Saturday…. so sweet. She called it Salon Beauty! I even got a yogurt and a sparkling water! BEST ONE EVER!
Finish my resume! God knows the job I am interested in applying for will no longer be available by the time I get around to getting my S*&$ together!
You know, taking a bath really sounds good.
But after filling up the tub half way the hot water runs out in my house. Then I have to fill the tub up with cold water and compensate for the temperature with adding boiling water from the electric boiler a gallon or so at a time…. this really takes away from the relaxing feeling a bath should bring.
So I will stick with drinking a hot cup of coffee, listening to music and drawing.
I got a pedicure and my heels still look bad. That just goes to show how long it had been since the last one.
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Hey, getting at least one thing done is good!!! (I hope you got your pedicure since then!)
Lexie Loo & Dylan Too
Hey, getting at least one thing done is good!!! (I hope you got your pedicure since then!)
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