Sorry Spidey.
We’re working on “independence” around these parts.
That means doing things for ourselves. Being a big boy.
Including getting ourselves dressed.
So when shoes and even shirts (see above) end up backwards…
We just smile and give encouragement for a job well done.
He reminds me every day that we’re BOTH still learning–and that will never stop.
Inspired by a post from Pip. With a few tiny changes on my part.
Play along. Answer a few in the comments or leave a link if you post.
Making : A treasure map for my boys.
Cooking : Baking actually. Pumpkin cookies with frosting.
Drinking : Diet Cherry Pepsi, no I haven’t kicked the habit yet.
Reading: The Artists Way.
Wanting: A nap…and my kiddos to sleep through the night this week.
Looking: Ideas to re-do Wesley’s room.
Playing: With all things sea creatures. And our rock collection. And mud.
Wasting: Time on Pinterest. Obviously.
Sewing: The hem in my curtains.
Wishing: I was back on vacation in Catalina with my sweet little family.
Enjoying: An unexpected cold front in Southern California.
Waiting: For inspiration.
Liking: Peanut Butter and Nutella on rice cakes–my new go-to snack.
Wondering: If Disney Land will be crowded on Monday.
Loving: Friday Night Lights. How am I just now getting on this bandwagon? Best.Show.Ever.
Hoping: For a little peace and quiet.
Marveling: At the power of love.
Needing: A date night. Followed by a girls night.
Smelling: Romance perfume.
Wearing: Boyfriend jeans. always.
Following: People who make me want to be better.
Noticing: That I’m growing up.
Thinking: About what needs to get done.
Knowing: That the “list” can wait just a while longer. “Be Here Now”–that’s the goal.
Focusing: On the kindness and LOVE found within our precious online community.
Bookmarking: Fall projects and recipes.
Opening: A bag of kettle corn.
Giggling: About Sawyer’s dance moves.
Feeling: Humbled. Hopeful.
Anna @ IHOD
His backward t-shirt is my fave. Gabriel has been living and breathing super heroes lately. Makes me sad he is leaving the Thomas craze behind….just another sign he’s growing up.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Lindsay Roberts
I love these about you posts. I’ve got to check out that book! Sounds like a great way to be inspired. Love you friend! xx
Making : A quilt for my Mom.
Cooking : Nothing. Nada. Wanna be baking pumpkin muffins, but haven’t been grocery shopping.
Drinking : Diet Coke, no I haven’t kicked the habit yet. I try, and seem to fail miserably at the quitting part, what can I say, I’m no quitter!!!!
Reading: The One
Wanting: A good cuddle.
Looking: For a new car.
Playing: With new fabrics in the sewing room.
Wasting: Time on Pinterest. Obviously. Ditto.
Sewing: Curved Seams on my Feathered Star.
Wishing: I was back on vacation in Montana with the girls. Miss you Atlantaians!
Enjoying: An unseasonal and unexpected misty cool morning in So Cal.
Waiting: For a delivery from my favorite fabric designer.
Liking: Andes Pumpkin Peppermints. Yum!
Wondering: If Penny will recover from my vacation.
Loving: picking paint colors for an updated living room.
Hoping: For a nice day off.
Marveling: At the human body and it’s ability to heal itself.
Needing: To sleep in.
Smelling: Spaghetti and garlic bread.
Wearing: Jeans and a polo, my summer uniform.
Following: People who knit gorgeous things. I want their skills, I am such a beginner knitter.
Noticing: That I am completely disorganized.
Thinking: About how to get all of these things done in 1 day.
Knowing: That there is always tomorrow.
Focusing: On getting ready for market.
Bookmarking: paint swatches and MLS listings.
Opening: A bag of Orange Slices (oh Brach’s I love you!)
Giggling: About turquoise Christmas decorations that I saw in Target yesterday.
Feeling: Blessed. Overwhelmed.
Love posts like this Ashley!
Cottage By The Sea
I remember those days fondly and now watch my grands slowly learning independence too. It’s sad to see them get bigger so darn fast, but so precious to watch the process. Your little guy is adorable.
I love when you show pictures of your beautiful boys. I enjoy them so much. God Bless.
My little one is obsessed with super heros: all of them! So cute!! Love the post, great reminders!
xoxo, Misty
I love this “verb” post! I’m going to play along tomorrow on my blog, http://www.fitfullfun. I love reading your real, honest blog. Very inspiring! You’re an excellent writer. 🙂
Making : Mini tiny pom pom for a wedding.
Cooking : I cook 3 times a day, last meal was turkey burguers.
Drinking : Water and cofee.
Reading: Make a Name for yourself from Robert Fisher.
Wanting: To get my name out there
Looking: Other ways of marketing my small company.
Playing: Glue, tissue paper and paint.
Wasting: Time on Pinterest and instagram, reallyd bad.
Sewing: My mom always begged me to learn she is really good at this, i had no interest and now i want to learn.
Wishing: I was on vacation.
Enjoying: Family time
Waiting: New clients.
Liking: Obsess with nutella, sliced strawberry in a toast.
Wondering: How my babies are going to look like.
Loving: Unexpected weekend of wine and music with my hubby.
Hoping: For a massage
Marveling: At the power of positive thinking and being greatful .
Needing: girls night.
Smelling: Coconut.
Wearing: Gym clothes. Ready for zumba.
Following: People who make me want to be better, that also add value to my development.
Noticing: That my time is clicking to start a family.
Thinking: About what needs to get done.
Knowing: That i should take on step at a time, is all a process.
Focusing: On my project.
Bookmarking: Christmas DIY and more reading.
Opening: New hair cream to style my messy waves.
Giggling: i giggle for everything, specially my hubby being silly with me.
Feeling: Inspired, Loved, Peaceful, & Greatful.
Love this! Great pictures!
Krista Nile
This is so cute! PS I LOVE Friday Night Lights. I was so sad when I finished the last episode 🙁
I still haven’t jumped on the Friday Night Lights bandwagon….is it REALLY that good???
The sad thing about Friday Night Lights and how great it really is (yes, it’s THAT good) is that it’s over. No more. Nada. Ever. Because all the actors have moved on. Case in point-Connie Britton (aka Tammy Taylor) is now on Nashville. And she ain’t ever leavin’ that hit show! But yes, I watched FNL when it first came out years ago and hubby and I mourned it’s passing:( Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can’t Lose:)
Love this idea! thank you!
Tara Fulps
LOVE this! And totally loved doing it! Thanks friend.
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